School Uniform

Our school uniform is supplied by Signature Schools.
You can buy it online from their website here.
Children have the option of a gold or white polo shirt, worn with our green school school sweatshirt all embroidered with the school logo.
Navy jogging bottoms (sweatshirt material) or leggings should be worn with the school t-shirt and sweatshirt.
We ask that you send your child to school to school in jogging bottoms or leggings that they can easily pull up and down themselves, for independence when they need to go the toilet.
We spend an extended amount of time outdoors every day (unless a weather warning is in place). We ask that all children wear a warm, waterproof coat to school every day. As children will be participating in Forest School activities coats will potentially get messy.
Children may wear their own coats, but school coats are available from Signature Schools which have been designed to keep children safe, dry and comfortable during all outdoor nursery activities.
Children should wear velcro trainers to school that are suitable for running, jumping, climbing and lots of physical movement!
Bangor Central Nursery School, 4 Castle Park Road, Bangor, BT20 4TF | 028 91469241