Partnership with Parents

At Bangor Integrated Nursery we strongly believe in the importance of strong open links between home and school. Parents are their child’s first teachers and we need to work in partnership with parents to achieve the best outcomes for the children. Parental Partnership is one our core values as a school and one of the principles of integrated as a whole.
Parents are welcome at all times and are encouraged to come into the classroom at the beginning and end of each session. This provides for the sharing of learning experiences and important events, which have taken place in school and at home.
Parents are kept informed of their children’s progress both formally and informally. There are parent/teacher consultations twice the year, the first in November and later in March. If parents have concerns about their child at any time please arrange a meeting with his/her class teacher (outside teaching times). Parents are also welcome to arrange a meeting with the Principal.
Monthly newsletters and text messages will keep you informed of events happening in school, visitors and learning activities. Parents may also text information messages to school to be passed onto the class teacher. We use the app Seesaw to link parents in with their child’s learning in school, this allows parents to see photos/videos of what happens in school as well as being useful for sharing reminders and notes. Please remember not to share your child’s unique log in with anyone outside of your family. Information about school activities, policies can be accessed on the school website along with links to other relevant websites.
All current parents are members of the Parents Club. A committee is elected every October to assist with organising fundraising and social events for pupils and parents. Money raised each year is spent entirely on resources and equipment for the children. We look forward to your continued support with this.
Every four years two current parents are elected to serve as members of the Board of Governors. The current parent representatives are:
The next elections will be held in September 2023.
Please Note: for safety reasons Parents’ cars are not permitted to enter the school campus. The school has an arrangement with ASDA for parents to park free of charge in their Car Park at drop off and collection times only. A permit will be issued which must be displayed on your car otherwise you will have to pay parking fees. There is pedestrian access to the campus through the Market gate in the ASDA car park.
Bangor Central Nursery School, 4 Castle Park Road, Bangor, BT20 4TF | 028 91469241