
Welcome to our School! We are a busy, stand-alone Nursery School in the heart of Bangor.
As an Integrated Nursery School we recognise, value and celebrate the uniqueness of every child and the diversity of our school community.
There is lots of information about our school on the website - if you have any further questions, or would like to arrange to speak to the Principal, please contact the school office.
Our School
We have three classes offering both full-time and part time classes with spaces for 78 children in their pre-school year. From September 2025 we will offer 78 Full Time places!
Each Nursery Class has 26 spaces and is taught by a qualified and experienced teacher who has a specialism in working in Early Years. The teachers are supported by assistants who are trained in supporting young children's learning and have a wealth of experience in doing so.
Bangor Integrated Nursery is a Controlled Integrated Nursery School. Our transformation to an Integrated School started officially with a successful parental ballot in May 2019. The Department of Education approved our transformation in December 2021 and we opened as Bangor Integrated Nursery School in September 2022.
You can read more about what it means for us to be an integrated school here.
Our Classes
The Full Day Class runs from 9am - 1.30pm (Hedgehog Class)
The Morning Class runs from 8.50am - 11.20am (Squirrel Class)
The Afternoon Class from 12.15pm - 2.45pm (Rabbit Class)
From September 2025 we will offer 78 Full Time places all running from 9am - 1.30pm.
Our Setting
We have a wide range of learning spaces, both inside and outside -
- two large, bright classrooms with quiet rooms,
- a multi-purpose Garden Room with safety surface flooring,
- an outdoor classroom,
- the side garden with sand house, boat, brick playhouse, mud kitchen
- playground with Learning Houses, Climbing Frame, Wood Workshop and Potting Shed
- the mature Long Garden with willow tunnels, mud kitchen, vegetable patch and birch circle.
Learning in Bangor Integrated Nursery
We know that children learn best by exploring and investigating, following their own interests and having their understanding extended by engaged, enthusiastic adults who know them well.
We use digital technology to help support and record our learning. Photos and videos can be shared with children on our 75" interactive panels in each classroom or displayed in our quiet rooms using Apple TV. We connect families with the classroom through the Seesaw app. We also use the iPads to research topics of interest with the children online, developing curiosity and understanding.
Our learning is enhanced by visitors coming to the school, such as the Hullaballoo Theatre Company, The Ark Farm, Drumming and visitors with interesting jobs, as well as trips we make to Castle Park, the Library and our end of year trip.
You can learn more about other initiatives our school is involved with on the specific pages. We are a Healthy Eating School, an Eco-School and an accredited Forest School
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Bangor Central Nursery School, 4 Castle Park Road, Bangor, BT20 4TF | 028 91469241