Home Learning

Even when Nursery was closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we were able to keep on Learning and having fun at home with Remote Learning. Alongside the physical packs and resources sent home online learning ideas were shared by staff online. ETI published a case study about the approach we used to provide remote learning during lockdown, which can be read online here.
While we are hoping that lockdowns are all behind us now, should the Nursery have to close, or children/groups of children have to learn from home we have a remote learning set up and ready to go.
Seesaw is the main way for us to send home activities and ideas for the children to try and for you to share any photos, videos, updates of the other learning going on at home.
Videos, stories and songs will be posted in the children's seesaw journals for them to watch and join in with.
Other resources and ideas will be shared on Seesaw regularly, please turn your notifications on or check it often.
The school social media channels - Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, will be used to share other ideas for learning at home, maybe live online events, stories, games, crafts or ideas. Please follow the school accounts if this would be useful for you.
If you have any difficulties with remote learning please contact us the school by email: bangorcentralnursery@yahoo.co.uk
Below are some resources that you may find useful.
Talk Box - Monthly seasonal and topical prompts to chat about with your child.
Early Education leaflets - how to support your child's learning across all areas of the curriculum.
Home Learning
Bangor Central Nursery School, 4 Castle Park Road, Bangor, BT20 4TF | 028 91469241